Penis size matters, although there are no specific criteria that determine the normality of organ length and thickness. According to statistics, more than half of men want to enlarge their penis by 4 to 5 centimeters.
There are many ways to solve the problem. Some options are drastic, for example, surgery, while other methods do not give the desired result, but they must be used for a long time.
Penis Enlargement Massage is a simple and affordable way to help not only change the size of the organ to a bigger side, but also increase its potency. It is carried out at home. There are several effective techniques.
Massage of the phallus is carried out using the hands or with a special device - a vacuum pump. Consider what are the benefits of these methods and do they really help to enlarge the penis?
Penis enlargement massage functions

The reproductive organ has cavernous and spongy muscles. There are many small cavities inside - chambers. When a man is excited, there is a rush of arterial blood. It fills the cavities, as a result of which an erection is revealed - the penis becomes hard and elastic, and also increases in size.
The essence of penis enlargement massage is to increase the volume and width of these cavities, which leads to the growth of the penis during an erect state.
Before massaging the penis, preparation is necessary - it helps to relax the soft tissues of the phallus, prevents injury.
To warm the penis, a man takes a 15-minute shower or bath. Alternatively: a heating pad with lukewarm water is applied to the organ (only on the shaft of the penis), or immersed in a container with hot liquid.
Massage involves the use of the Jelqing technique (also known as Jelqing). The technique has the following advantages:
- Exercise improves blood circulation, increases pressure inside the cavernous bodies, making them more elastic and stretching faster;
- Training involves a certain load on the genitals, which must be gradually increased. With pressure on the penis, there is an active formation of new cells, which increases the size of the penis;
- Positive effect on erectile function - the quality of the riser improves, potency and libido increase, the duration of sexual intercourse increases.
The penis enlargement massage is performed at home. Its drawback is its low efficiency.
Important!Regular training for 5-7 months increases the length of the penis by up to 2 centimeters.
Penis enlargement self-massage

After warming up the penis, a little warm-up is done. It consists of several stages - relaxation, rubbing and restlessness. At the first stage, the organ is lubricated with cream or lubricant, then stroking movements of the trunk are performed for 5 minutes.
In the second stage, the phallus is wrapped around the palms and rolled slightly in different directions. You don't have to be very zealous - a man is guided exclusively by his feelings, there should be no pain. The third stage is shaking. This involves wiggling the penis in different directions.
Beginners should use lubricant during massage. It facilitates movement, reduces the load on the penis. The key point of the exercise is a special grip - a ring - the penis is wrapped around the thumb and forefinger at the very base (as close to the pubis as possible). The lesson is performed on an erect penis.
How to enlarge your penis with a massage? Follow these steps:
- After warming up, apply lubricant to the penis, gently rub all over the shaft of the organ. There shouldn't be a lot of funds.
- Apply the grip ring to the base of the penis. Then slowly pull the ring towards the head. When done correctly, blood is observed to travel directly through the head causing it to turn red and swell.
- When a man reaches for the head, you must change hands and repeat the action.
- A total of 15-20 approaches are required to start. Over time, the amount of these and the pressing force can be increased, but only gradually.
You can use this exercise in the future, but without using any lubricant or lubricant.
Important!The dry method promotes more active growth, but more often leads to complications - hematomas, bruises, bruises, painful sensations.
Vacuum thickening of the phallus

Exercises that involve a certain effect on the penis must be performed for a long time to see the first result. They have a certain drawback - with the help of the hands it is not always possible to create even pressure on the penis, which significantly delays the result.
To enlarge the penis, you can use a specialized device - a vacuum pump. This device consists of a vial - the penis is placed in it, and a pump - through it, air is pumped into the cylinder, which allows you to create negative pressure acting on the penis.
The device is best used when the goal of a man is to increase the thickness of the penis. The device has a slight influence on the length. After the first application, you can see the result, but it is temporary - the erection is not observed for a long time. Men say that if you exercise for a long time, the girth of the penis increases by 10-15 mm. Alternatively, you can use a vacuum device to treat erectile dysfunction.
Pumping provides a good riser as it induces blood flow to the reproductive organ. Systematic use increases potency, increases the duration of sexual intercourse.
How to use a penis pump:
- This method is suitable for beginners. It is necessary to place the penis in a balloon, to create negative pressure in it. Then put an erection ring at the base of the organ - this helps to maintain an erection. In this position is 5 to 10 minutes;
- The second method is similar to the first, but the difference is that after using the pump, the penis is massaged with the hands for 10 to 15 minutes.
An example of a pump training program: Begin training 5 to 7 minutes. From the second week, increase to 10 minutes. In the third week, you need to do 12-15 minutes. From the fourth week - several times a day for 5 minutes. In the fifth week - two workouts of 10 minutes each. In the future, an individual schedule is established. The weekend should be - a day of rest every 7-10 days.
Manual and material massage has contraindications. It is impossible to influence the penis against the background of venereal and infectious diseases, with inguinal hernia, deformation of the penis, skin pathologies in the penile area. It is not recommended to massage after drinking, as the risk of injury is high due to a lower pain threshold.