How many times have they written that it's not the size of the penis that pleases a woman, but the skill of the man himself, no results. And all the same, our men are worried about the question of how to enlarge the penis at home. In the Guinness Book of Records there is a man with the greatest member of all time. And he also describes how unhappy this fellow is. And he doesn't have a wife and he still has problems.
And here's the interesting thing - there isn't a single sex symbol in this book. Neither ours nor foreign. In other words, the guys are taking something else.
It is believed that a really small penis is only when it reaches only 8cm or less in erection. The rest of the sizes are quite normal, and the main thing is to be able to use your "weapon" correctly.
But, if a man has figured out that he wants a "French baguette" instead of a working organ, then so be it, we'll show you how to do it.
If you suddenly decide that you need an extremely huge penis, and you've gone to the doctor, you have to say - they will increase it. But you have to remember that any operational action has not only positive aspects, but also negative aspects. Therefore, it is better to postpone the operation. In addition, there are many ways to increase the male penis at home without additional costs, and most importantly, without the slightest harm to health.
Folk methods
Traditional methods are not a ten minute matter. It takes time, regular use and correct dosages. But the result will be visible not only in size, but also in penile strength. In addition, such methods will not harm health. This is how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were treated for a long time.
For penis enlargement, herbs such as burdock root, thyme, celandine, primrose root, nettle, plantain, chamomile, calendula have been used.
For example, thyme was used as follows: they took leaves, stems and inflorescences for medicinal purposes. The roots were removed, as they are not suitable for such purposes. For 100 gr. raw materials you need to take a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, cool and drink in two doses per day. After such treatment, the condition of the whole organism improves, the genitourinary system begins to function better.
Or another example is absinthe. For the broth, you need to take 5 grams of wormwood and pour them with 1 liter of cold water. Then set it on fire. After boiling, 10 minutes should pass, after which the broth is considered ready. The broth is cooled and filtered. After that you can have one drink per day. Such a folk remedy has a wonderful effect on the circulatory system. The vessels tone up, which contributes to the enlargement of the penis.

Aloe juice has a very good effect on the body. In general, it perfectly stimulates all bioprocesses. And penis enlargement with it is quite easy. It is enough to add 0. 5 kg of aloe leaves and a few tablespoons of honey to half a liter of vodka. Mix all this and put it in a dark and cool place for 7 weeks. And then this tincture is taken 3-4 times a day an hour before meals.
Plain garlic works wonders. It is generally considered to be a miracle cure in the intimate area. Many of our ancestors managed to enlarge their penises in a very simple way: chop 10 cloves of garlic and pour 0, 5 liters of alcohol. Mix everything. Leave to infuse for 10 days. Then, for a month, take this drug 20 drops per day. The result will surprise.
In addition, there are other plant materials that can enlarge the penis. It is, for example, ginseng. He is known to all as the root of life. Hence, it is very useful for the "main" male organ. It can be taken as an alcohol tincture, as well as as a powder.
It is very healthy to eat watermelons. Yes Yes! This huge berry has citrulline in its fruit, which stimulates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which means it helps grow the penis. Do not gorge yourself on watermelon right before the date - the penis during this time will not grow to a huge size, but you have to "run".

There are also dietary supplements, only in the article they will not be written about, because each drug should be discussed with a doctor. A doctor may prescribe them for you, but if you have high blood pressure, allergies, or heart problems, you should refuse them. Nevertheless, you should consult your doctor.
For those who decide to enlarge their penis at home, it should be remembered that all traditional methods will certainly have a positive effect on the health and size of the organs, only the result should not be expected the next day. Two to three weeks of diligent use of the drug, and it will not take long for the result to manifest itself.
It should be remembered that you should not only take herbal teas, but also switch to a completely healthy lifestyle. With a constant violation of rest, sleep, without adequate nutrition, without exercise, even a very large organ will refuse to function like a clock. It is neither exaggeration nor intimidation. For example, smoking leads to the narrowing of blood vessels, which has a very negative effect not only on the size of the penis, but also on its "reliability".
Special equipment
Jelqing is a special technique used to enlarge the penis. Jelqing was used even by Romans and Greeks when they wanted to surprise their ladies with the royal size of their penis. This technique was very widely used in the East.
Jelqing is a bit like masturbation, but different from it. Here's what to do:

- prepare a hot bath (this technique requires a humid and hot environment);
- the genitals should be lubricated with a special cream;
- after that you need to massage the organ until a slight erection appears;
- pretend you are showing well (thumb and forefinger ring);
- in this ring you have to stick a limb and pull it as much as possible. It should be noted that there should be no painful and unpleasant sensations!
- This exercise should be repeated 10 to 15 times a day;
Exercise should be stopped if you experience pain or discomfort. If nothing unpleasant is felt, such a technique will very soon bring its positive results.
In addition to the special technique, which is very effective, but may not work for some reason, you can do other exercises.
Another thing you can do is heat the cereal and place it in a secure bag. This croup heats the penis (you need to act very carefully so as not to burn the delicate skin of the penis), applying the pocket to the penis, a state of incomplete erection is obtained. In this state, the root of the penis is grasped with the fingers and pulled upwards, as if being pulled out. It is not necessary to bring the fingers to the head itself, it is enough for the traction to pass through the body of the organ. During the day, you must perform 20 approaches, or up to 200 movements.
If an erection occurs, the movements should be stopped, your task is to perform all these exercises in a calm state. Once the member has calmed down, you can continue.
Another exercise is to grab the penis with your whole palm and squeeze it for about 10 seconds. At the same time, the organ is not only held in the hand, it is pulled in all directions alternately - up, to the sides, down. The exercise, too, is done with care, avoiding unpleasant sensations.
Special devices

To enlarge the penis at home, you can use a special, very productive small device.
Extender - the most popular among men. Not only increases the length of the penis, but also the width.
Such a device can be belt, buckle or vacuum. They have different prices and the method of influencing the penis is slightly different. The essence of the work is as follows - the penis is placed in the bilateral retainer and fixed. On the sides of the penis there are special springs that very gently stretch the body of the organ. This device harnesses the penis' natural ability to stretch when exposed to physical forces. Effective penis enlargement will occur after a few weeks of regular use of this device.
How to use the device correctly, how much to hold and how often - this will be written directly in the instructions for use. And you can buy such an extender in intimate stores, you can order it online.
Shoot with weights
Since ancient times, the following recipe has come down to us - how to enlarge the penis using special weights. Yes, there is such a method, but you need to properly prepare for the suspension.

First of all, the penis should be warmed up with a special massage. After that, it is better to apply an adhesive bandage in front of the head of the penis so as not to damage the delicate tissues, and only after that hang the weight itself on a string.
The first time the weight should not hang for more than 3 minutes, you can hold it for 1 minute only. The time should be increased gradually.
During these exercises you should stand straight and not move. Any awkward and sudden movement can injure the skin and cause pain.
Make sure that the head of the penis is not under the influence of weight.
Regular exercise will help you enlarge your penis by 3cm or more in a few weeks.
Special massages
In order to add dimension to your friend, you can use a technique such as special massage. If you exercise regularly, you may see positive changes in 2-3 months.
To start a massage, you must first prepare yourself.
The preparatory phase includes preparing the hands and the penis itself. Hands and organs are washed well, a calm and quiet environment is created. After that, a warm, wet towel is applied to the clean element, with the help of which the blood rushes to the organ.

Then the massage itself begins.
Apply a few drops of neutral oil to the hands and the base of the penis itself. Within 3 minutes with a ring of fingers, massage the penis on the head and back. The limb should be in a calm and "sleepy" state. After several movements of this type, the organ is of course in a state of alert. However, there is no need to wait for the "fly". The organ should be left in its vigorous state. In addition, the massage should be completed immediately after the penis has taken a stable position.
You can not massage from top to bottom, but with twisting movements. In this case, not only the length of the organ is well added, but also its diameter.
After completing the massage, wash off the oil with lukewarm water, put on loose underwear that does not interfere with movement, and then warm the place where the massage was performed. It is best to massage yourself before going to bed so that you can go to bed right away. Do not expose the area that has been massaged to cold air.
Other means
Besides the above, there are other ways to make a member bigger. Ordinary soda works very well. To achieve the desired effect, you can take soda baths, apply compresses, use it as a scrub, and also use it in massages. If the penis enlargement methods are based on blood flow to a certain location, then soda does a great job here.

It may well be that a man who wants to enlarge his body doesn't quite trust home remedies. Then you just need to see a doctor, describe your problem, and a specialist will prescribe special drugs. By the way, medicine has now made significant progress in this area. You can try ointments, tablets, preparations in the form of mixtures.
As a last resort, you can venture into an operation. However, there are many alternative methods, for example, lipofilling, when the penis is enlarged due to the fat of the patient himself. Fat is injected with a needle into the body of the penis, which increases it considerably.
Anyone looking for ways to enlarge their penis can achieve this. It is important to remember that all methods are designed for consistency. If you actively do the exercises for two days and can't remember for weeks, you won't have to wait for positive results. Exercise should be done daily. And it's not too difficult, because all the exercises are designed for pleasurable actions.
Another thing a man should keep in mind is hygiene. Of course, every man should keep his penis clean, but here the situation is special. During exercise, there is close contact of the skin of the organ with the skin of the hands. Oils are rubbed off, particles from the skin of the hands remain on the penis, so it is imperative to start the action only by washing and preparing the hands and the organ itself very well. Don't heal one thing and paralyze another. Remember this!